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NextGen Missions Tour

NextGen Missions Tour is designed to educate, inspire, and engage the Iowa Ministry Network in BGMC, STL, and Missions Trips.

Each tour stop will include a free meal for those in attendance.

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6pm  |  March 3rd - Northeast Stop - Celebration Waterloo
12pm  |  March 4th - East Central - TBA
6pm  |  March 4th - Southeast Stop - Westside A/G Davenport
6pm  |  March 6th - Central Region Stop - Network Office
6pm  |  March 7th - West Region Stop - Creekside Council Bluffs
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When & Where

Iowa Ministry Network Assemblies of God

10525 Buena Vista Ct. | Urbandale, IA 50322

p (515)276.5493 

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