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Financial Requirements

By action of their respective deliberative bodies, ministers are expected to give financial support to the Iowa Ministry Network and the General Council of the Assemblies of God. Iowa AG ministers send 100% of their tithe on all ministerial income, on a monthly basis, to the Iowa Ministry Network, and support the General Council as noted in the Bylaws excerpts below. 


Iowa Ministry Network Bylaws Article X. Finances, Section 4. Financial Support through Ministerial Dues, A. Minister’s Support of Network Council


To have the endorsement of the Network for ministry in the Network in all capacities (evangelists, pastors, staff, etc.) and for renewal of credentials, all ministers must financially support the Network monthly as follows:


(1) Ministerial dues equal to a tithe of their ministerial income.


(2) Nationally appointed World or U.S. Missionaries according to General Council Bylaws and policies.


(3) Evangelists, employees of the General Council, Assemblies of God schools and institutions, or other schools acceptable to the General Council, are required to contribute ministerial dues equal to one-half (1/2) of the tithe of their ministerial income.


(4) Ministers with no ministerial income are required to contribute monthly dues of $25.00 if ordained, $20 if licensed and $10.00 if certified.


(5) Ministers with limited ministerial income are required to contribute minimum monthly dues of $25.00 if ordained, $20 if licensed and $10.00 if certified unless their ministerial tithe is more than the minimum dues.


(6) If a married couple are both credentialed and only one has ministerial income, the minimum dues of the spouse may be deducted from the ministerial “tithe” of his or her spouse.


(7) Those classified as “disabled,” or “senior-retired,” who have no ministerial income, have no financial obligation to the Network and may direct their contributions as they choose.


General Council Bylaws Article VII. Ministry, Section 10. f.

Support of Headquarters. The work of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, in its program of developing the spirit of cooperation and fellowship in U.S. and world missions fields, incurs considerable expense, including the financial support of the executive officers and offices.

The required minimum is:


  • Ordained – $25 per month ($300 per year)

  • Licensed – $20 per month ($240 per year)

  • Certified – $10 per month ($120 per year)


You can  pay your General Council annual dues through your minister’s AG Passport reoccurring, or at the end of the year through the online renewal portal.


Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for renewal of credentials of all ministers. If their contributions are in arrears, they shall be given the opportunity to meet this deficit with their renewal.

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