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Credential Upgrade Bylaws

The following text from the General Council Bylaws provides qualifications for the licensed and ordained minister:



Specific Qualifications (GC Bylaws Article VII, Section 3. d & e)


Licensed minister

Qualifications for license shall include: 


  • clear evidence of a divine call

  • character and preparation suitable for that calling

  • practical ministry experience

  • evident purpose to devote one’s life in service to the proclamation of the Gospel.

  • ​

Ordained minister 

Qualifications for license shall include:


  • Applicants must be 23 years of age or older.

  • No person may be ordained to the ministry until he or she has shown evidence of a divine call and has held ministry license and has been actively engaged in ministry and proclamation of the Gospel for at least two full consecutive years immediately prior thereto.

  • Applicants must be residents of or hold credentials in the district where they make application and appear before its credentials committee, and shall have been a member of the district in which he or she is seeking ordination at least one year.

  • In order to maintain active status, ordained ministers shall be engaged in viable ministry and proclamation of the Gospel except for cases of disability, retirement, or other valid circumstances as determined by the general secretary.


Please CLICK HERE for more information or email to receive an upgrade packet if you have completed the education requirements for ordination or licensed.

Iowa Ministry Network Assemblies of God

10525 Buena Vista Ct. | Urbandale, IA 50322

p (515)276.5493 

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